My goodness me, what a crazy time we are living in! I mean, if you ask the experts, apparently its been coming for a while, and for everyone else, we go merrily along with our daily lives and BOOM! Hibernation is upon us. I don’t know about you, but to me it just feels like life is on hold. And that being a bad thing… and a good thing…?
My heart just weeps for all of those who have had to cancel and change family events and weddings. So much planning gone and now so much longer to wait…. or much longer to make it even better… there’s always a spin! And we are so looking forward to picking back up and creating the celebrations we so long to be a part of!
At Homegrown, we are using this time to spend time with the closest of our family, it is wonderful to be able to spend so much time with our daughter (18 months old) and see her develop daily, she’s hilarous! We spend days in the garden (we are sooo lucky to have outdoor space!) and have started a growing project with all kinds of veg, herbs, fruit and flowers in the ground which we hope to be able to incorporate into some of our luxury Christmas food by way of preserves, puddings and cakes… We go on our daily exercise together, we walk mr dog, we do DIY, I cook, and cook and cook!
And there it is, just because life is on hold, we don’t stop. We are mulling things over, making things better, planning Christmas (I KNOW!!) chatting with clients, postponing weddings, planning new ones, creating menus, delivering garden picnics and enjoying family time…. funny what it takes to find balance…. I ponder on ‘the new normal’…. I for one hope that it re strengthens our value in the small things in life, enjoying peoples company, greetings with a hug, a walk in the countryside, a beer with pals…. and long may it last!
Stay safe everyone, and let us bring you a picnic to enjoy whilst doing so!